Sunday, 24 April 2011

How to raise your website/blog rank using these helpful tips

Page rank is the single most important determining factor that will determine the success or failure of a blog or website. Google has a ranking system they’ve developed on their own to determine where various websites fall within the search results and they use very specific information to determine this. To land on the first page in Google’s search results a site must have a fairly high page rank. With that in mind, it’s a good idea for you to do everything you can to boost your page rank – these steps will help.

Social bookmarking websites like Reddit and Digg all have high page ranks and any websites that get submitted to them can obviously be helped. These sites are a great portal through which to reach your target niche when you upload good content. So, if you think about it there are both implicit and explicit ways to raise a page rank by using social bookmarking sites. Seriously! For one thing, the websites to which you are submitting your content have very valuable page rankings. Next, people who make a habit of visiting these sites do so because they use them as portals to other kinds of content. So if your website is worth anything at all, you’ll have all sorts of other websites linking to you and helping you raise your page rank. Make sure that your bookmark tags are relevant and have the best keywords.
For the best overall results, it’s always a good idea to only use original content on your website. Original content is what all site owners should have on their websites. Google likes to see original content. One rule which should be followed by all successful website owners, is to never use copied content. Even if the content is written by you and posted elsewhere on the internet, do not use this content on your website. Sites have been hammered before by Google for having copied content, especially when the content was copied within the site itself.

Consider all the high page rank directories. You can get tons of new exposure simply by submitting your site to these directories. It’s a simple matter to make your site’s page rank go higher and higher by submitting it to more and more directories. Most directories are free of charge but there are some that charge a fee – these generally provide a much bigger boost and many webmasters find sites like Yahoo! Directory to be worth the price they pay. Always be on the lookout for directories where you can submit your own site quickly and easily.
Don’t get caught up in the details or lost in the process of trying to improve page rank fast and focus instead on how you can change it for good. Your eyes should be on your long term goals and not something short term. The correlations between page rank and search engine traffic will be enough to convince you that this is not wasted effort.Good luck :)

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